Longburn remains in level two water restrictions due to a critically low water supply. We'll review these restrictions on Wednesday 12 February. While we've noticed a slight reduction in water consumption since level two restrictions were introduced last week, the bore remains under strain, so it's important we continue conserving water.
The rest of Palmerston North is still level one.
Current water consumption is exceeding the natural output at our Longburn bore. Level 2 water restrictions are in place while we investigate the issue. The low supply is likely due to a combination of dry weather, water being used on gardens and recreational activities, as well as potential leaks within the network.
Longburn’s water supply comes from a local bore and is not currently connected to the citywide supply from the Turitea Dams, which serves the rest of Palmerston North along with other bores. While we have plans to improve Longburn’s water supply in the future as part of our long-term infrastructure programmes, we need to impose level 2 restrictions in the area now to ensure you continue to have a reliable water supply for the rest of the summer.
What level two water restrictions mean for you
Under level two restrictions:
- Unattended hoses, sprinklers, and garden irrigation systems cannot be used.
- Handheld hoses are permitted only between 7pm and 9pm, following an alternating schedule ( even-numbered houses may water on even dates and odd-numbered houses on odd dates).
- Commercial activities requiring water are not restricted but operators are encouraged to minimise use or reschedule until restrictions are lifted.