Alcohol licensing fees and charges

Here are the fees we charge for alcohol licensing, including licence applications and renewals, and manager's certificates.

These fees aren't set by us. They're part of the government’s Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations (2013). This means everyone pays the same price regardless of where in the country you are.

All fees include GST. Effective 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Licence application fee

This is what you will pay when you apply for a new licence, to renew a licence, or vary the conditions of your licence.

Fee category Fee
Very low $368 
Low $609.50
Medium $816.50
High $1,023.50
Very high $1,207.50


Licence annual fee

Payable on the anniversary of your licence date.

Fee category Fee
Very low $161
Low $391
Medium $632.50
High $1,035
Very high $1,437.50


Fees for other applications

Application type Fee
Temporary authority/licence  $296.70 
Manager's certificate (application and renewal) $316.25
Appeal to the Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority (ARLA) $517.50
Extract from licensing register $57.50


Special licences

Events grouped together under a single application must be similar in nature. For example, birthday parties, fundraisers and reunions would be 3 separate applications.

Licence class Fee
Class 1: 1 large event, or more than 3 medium events, or more than 12 small events $575 
Class 2: 3 to 12 small events, or up to 3 medium events $207
Class 3: 1 or 2 small events $63.25 
  • Small event: Fewer than 100 people
  • Medium event: 100 to 400 people
  • Large event: More than 400 people