Rates remission and postponements

A rates remission reduces a rates bill. We are able to reduce or clear rates in certain circumstances. If you think you have grounds for a rates remission, please keep reading for information about how to apply.

Palmerston North City Council has adopted a number of policies which allow it to consider applications for remitting or postponing rates. This enables us to mitigate the effects of any inequities in our rating system, promote social wellbeing, and help conserve our city's natural, historic and cultural resources.

Read the policies

Reasons why rates may be remitted or postponed

  • providing relief from rates to charitable organisations where the land is used principally for sporting, recreation or community purposes
  • contributing to city sustainability through providing relief to property owners who have voluntarily protected land or buildings of natural or cultural heritage value
  • postponing payment if ratepayers are experiencing severe financial hardship
  • reducing wastewater charges for schools
  • ensuring homeowners who live in commercial or industrial zoned areas are not unduly penalised
  • providing relief to residential ratepayers if they are experiencing hardship as a result of changes to the rating system.

How to apply for a rates remission or postponement

Applications for remission are considered annually. Organisations must reapply each year.

If you think you or your organisation might qualify for rates remission, please contact us for information about how to apply. Community, sporting and other non-profit organisations can apply using the application form below.

Rates remission application form for community, sporting and other non-profit organisations(PDF, 129KB)