Upcoming meetings and agendas

Agendas and related information for upcoming Palmerston North City Council and committee meetings.

Most meetings are held on Wednesdays in the Council Chamber, and begin at 9am. Any changes are specified below.

All meetings are live streamed, and recordings added to YouTube for watching on demand.

Watch Council meetings online

 Download a meeting calendar for the full year

Council meetings calendar(PDF, 1MB)

Access agendas and minutes for past meetings

Attending Council meetings

At Council meetings the Mayor and Councillors debate and decide on all sorts of issues that affect our city.

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Te Marae o Hine – The Square on most Wednesdays, and anyone is welcome to attend.

You can also watch livestreamed meetings online as they happen, or catch up later on YouTube.

Agenda availability

Agendas are available two working days before each meeting, when they are uploaded to our upcoming meetings and agendas page.

Agendas are also available at the following locations:
  • Customer Service Centre, Civic Administration Building
  • All Council libraries

Or on request by telephoning 06 356 8199 (for collection from Council's Customer Service Centre).

Public participation at meetings

Council actively encourages people to get involved and speak at Council and committee meetings. If you wish to address a committee or Council meeting, please contact our Democracy and Governance team on governance@pncc.govt.nz or phone 06 356 8199.

There are several ways that the public can speak at meetings.

Public Comment (3 minutes)

Members of the public may speak for 3 minutes on any item on the agenda, or on other matters relating to that committee. Please notify the Chair or the Committee Administrator before the meeting, if you wish to give a public comment.

Public Comment is available at all Council and committee meetings.

For extraordinary committee meetings, public comment is only received with the approval of the Chairperson and must be confined to those items appearing on the agenda for the particular meeting concerned.

Presentations (10 minutes)

Members of the public may make a 10-minute presentation to any Committee or Council provided they have requested permission from the Chairperson at least seven working days before the date of the meeting concerned.

In cases of urgent or major public interest, the Chairperson may determine that a presentation be received in a shorter time frame.

Public presentations are available at all committee and Council meetings.

Petitions (10 minutes)

Members of the Public are welcome to present petitions to Council or the relevant Committee.


  • Must contain at least 20 signatures and must consist of fewer than 150 words (excluding signatures).
  • Need to be given to the Council seven working days before date of the meeting.
  • Can not be disrespectful, offensive or include malice statements.
  • Can be written in English or Māori.

Signatures need to be accompanied by a full name and address.

Anyone presenting a petition can speak for up to 10 minutes to the Council or Committee. Alternatively, an Elected Member can read the petition on your behalf, but must only read the petition, statement of parties from which it comes and the number of signatures.

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Our committees represent the main areas Council is responsible for. Here’s an overview of how committees work and the issues they cover.

The Mayor and 15 Councillors work through committees to make decisions about what Council will do and how work will be funded.

The committee structure is reviewed every three years after each election.

All meetings are held on Wednesdays in the Council Chambers.

The following committees meet every six weeks:

  • Community
  • Culture and Sport
  • Economic Growth
  • Strategy and Finance
  • Sustainability

The Rangitāne o Manawatū Committee and the Risk and Assurance Committee meet quarterly.

Meetings are usually held in public and Council advertises the issues it will be considering. Non–confidential reports are available to the public. If Council is talking about something confidential the public may be excluded from that part of the meeting.

Community Committee

This committee focuses on matters relating to social wellbeing and is aligned to Council’s goal of having a connected and safe community. This means it has oversight of things like social housing, the animal shelter, strategic grant funding, civil defence, and city safety.

  • Chairperson – Councillor Lorna Johnson
  • Deputy Chairperson – Councillor Pat Handcock
  • Members – Mayor Grant Smith and Councillors Brent Barrett, Rachel Bowen, Lew Findlay, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad, Karen Naylor, William Wood and Kaydee Zabelin
  • Meets every six weeks

Culture and Sport Committee

This committee considers matters relating to cultural wellbeing and also focuses on Palmerston North’s sport and leisure spaces: playgrounds, parks and reserves, sport fields and facilities. It’s aligned to Council’s goal of being a creative and exciting city and acts as a ‘shareholder’ for the Regent Theatre Trust, Globe Theatre Trust and Te Manawa Museums Trust.

  • Chairperson – Councillor Rachel Bowen
  • Deputy Chairperson – Councillor Billy Meehan
  • Members – Mayor Grant Smith, Deputy Mayor Debi Marshall-Lobb and Councillors Mark Arnott, Vaughan Dennison, Lew Findlay, Roly Fitzgerald, Pat Handcock, Leonie Hapeta, William Wood and Kaydee Zabelin
  • Meets every six weeks

Economic Growth Committee

This committee deals with matters relating to economic wellbeing and aligns with Council’s goal of being an innovative and growing city. It acts as ‘shareholder’ for the Central Economic Development Agency and Palmerston North Airport Limited and also has oversight of strategic projects including:

  1. Masterplans
  2. Housing development (except social housing)
  3. Te Utanganui Central New Zealand Distribution Hub
  • Chairperson – Councillor Leonie Hapeta
  • Deputy Chairperson – Councillor William Wood
  • Members – Mayor Grant Smith, Deputy Mayor Debi Marshall-Lobb and Councillors Mark Arnott, Brent Barrett, Rachel Bowen, Vaughan Dennison, Lorna Johnson, Billy Meehan, Orphée Mickalad and Roly Fitzgerald
  • Meets every six weeks

Strategy & Finance Committee

This committee oversees Council’s planning and finance activity. It has oversight on the District Plan and power to agree draft bylaws for consultation. It also has financial delegation to:

  1. Accept or decline any lease agreement,
  2. Vary or waive certain fees or changes, and
  3. Agree or decline a contract for the purchase of capital works up to the value of the specified sum, as long as it has been agreed in the Council’s Long Term Plan.
  • Chairperson – Councillor Vaughan Dennison
  • Deputy Chairperson – Councillor Karen Naylor
  • Members – Mayor Grant Smith and Councillors Mark Arnott, Brent Barrett, Lew Findlay, Pat Handcock, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Orphée Mickalad, William Wood and Kaydee Zabelin
  • Meets every six weeks

Sustainability Committee

This committee considers matters relating to environmental wellbeing and is aligned to Council’s goal of Palmerston North being an eco-city. This means it has oversight of matters relating to sustainability, waters, climate change, resource recovery, and the Manawatū river.

  • Chairperson – Councillor Brent Barrett
  • Deputy Chairperson – Councillor Kaydee Zabelin
  • Members – Mayor Grant Smith, Deputy Mayor Debi Marshall-Lobb and Councillors Roly Fitzgerald, Pat Handcock, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson and Karen Naylor
  • Meets every six weeks

Rangitāne o Manawatū Committee

This committee considers matters relating to the wellbeing of Māori in Palmerston North and has a strong focus on the ongoing development of Te Motu o Poutoa. Two Rangitāne representatives sit as appointed members on this committee providing Rangitānenuiarawa expertise.

The chairperson and deputy chairperson switch roles annually.

  • Chairperson – Mayor Grant Smith
  • Deputy Chairperson – Mr Wiremu Te Awe Awe
  • Members – Deputy Mayor Debi Marshall-Lobb, Councillors Vaughan Dennison, Karen Naylor, Billy Meehan, Kaydee Zabelin, Roly Fitzgerald and Rangitāne representatives, Ms Danielle Harris and Chris Whaiapu
  • Meets quarterly


Risk and Assurance Committee

This committee independently oversees the Council’s business assurance function and Council’s responsibilities for managing risk and health and safety reporting. It is chaired by an independent member, adding credibility to this assurance function and bringing auditing skills to complement the elected members’ local knowledge.

  • Chairperson – Mr Steve Armstrong
  • Deputy Chairperson – Councillor Karen Naylor
  • Members – Mayor Grant Smith, Councillors Mark Arnott, Brent Barrett, Vaughan Dennison, Leonie Hapeta, Lorna Johnson, Orphée Mickalad, William Wood, Kaydee Zabelin and an independent member (currently vacant)
  • Meets quarterly

Quasi-Judicial Bodies

District Licensing Committee

The District Licensing Committee considers alcohol licence applications in Palmerston North. We've appointed 6 people to act on this committee:

  • Aleisha Rutherford (commissioner)
  • Orphée Mickalad 
  • Stewart Davies 
  • Vicki Beagley 
  • Chantelle Fraser-Clark
  • Antonia Crisford   

The committee meets fortnightly, or as and when required.

You can find more information on alcohol licensing in Palmerston North and the committee's decisions on our alcohol licensing pages. 

Hearings Commissioners List

RMA Commissioners (Schedule of external appointments):

  • Jane Black
  • Dean Chrystal
  • Lindsay Daysh
  • John Maassen
  • Judith Makinson
  • David McMahon
  • Chris Mitchell
  • Miria Pomare
  • Reginald Proffit
  • Paul Rogers
  • Mark St Clair
  • Robert Schofield
  • Gina Sweetman
  • Eileen von Dadelszen

RMA Commissioners (Elected Members):

  • Councillor Brent Barrett
  • Councillor Lorna Johnson (Chair’s endorsement)
  • Councillor Patrick Hancock
  • Councillor Leonie Hapeta
  • Councillor Karen Naylor
  • any other elected member who successfully completes Making Good Decisions accreditation

Panel Schedule: as and when required

Mayor and Councillors

Grant Smith


  • Telephone06 351 4417
  • Email mayor@pncc.govt.nz
  • ProfileGrant Smith is the Mayor of Palmerston North. He was first elected to Council in 2013 and elected Mayor in a by-election in 2015.

