Prepare for an emergency

How prepared are you really for an emergency?

We teamed up with Whakarongo School to teach you how to build a home emergency kit by adding items to your supermarket shop over 10 weeks. Watch the video below to get started.

Remember, it's not if, but when. Kia rite. Be prepared.

Websites and activities to help you and your whānau prepare for an emergency

Find out how to get ready: at home, at work, at school and on the marae 

What's the plan, Stan? Activities for kids and schools

Advice for disabled people

Lifestyle Block Emergency Preparedness Handbook (PDF, 6MB)

Help prepare your business for an emergency

Emergency planning for businesses |

Continuity and contingency planning |

Ask us about emergency education and training 

Our emergency management officers provide a free service to the whole community and deliver over 100 presentations each year to community groups, schools and businesses. 

To ask about presenting to your group or running workplace training, business continuity planning, or a school activity, call us on 06 356 8199

Useful websites

Earthquake Commission

Fire & Emergency NZ


Horizons Regional Council


Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management