City Centre Streetscape Plan
The Streetscape Plan sets out the future design direction for the streets and spaces in Palmerston North's city centre.
The plan aims to reinforce the city centre as a key destination. It will celebrate the character of the area, be easily accessible and increase connectivity, with the aim of creating vibrant and distinctive places for people.
The plan is guided by a number of Council strategies, including the Urban Design Strategy, the City Centre Framework and the Street Design Manual. Together with a number of other Council initiatives, it will contribute toward positive change in the city.
Stakeholder and community engagement has also formed an integral part of the design process, providing critical insight and opportunities for the city centre to be shaped by those who live, work and play in it.
The plan has been developed in line with Council's long-term plan. The scope extends to streetscape upgrades including carriageway, parking, footpaths, hard and soft landscape as well as Palmerston North's urban and inter-regional bus terminals.
City Centre Streetscape Plan 2016(PDF, 25MB)