Kākātangiata urban growth area

The proposed Kākātangiata urban growth area is next to Palmy’s western boundary. It is one of a number of areas in and around the city we intend to rezone to meet our forecasted housing demand over the next 30 years. 

We identified this area in 2009 as a possibility for future growth. It is the largest space by far that we are seeking to rezone from rural to residential within the District Plan, and is planned to allow for growth over the medium to long term. This means that in reality development could happen anywhere from 10 to 50 years in the future and will likely happen in a series of stages. 

The Kikiwhenua residential area was rezoned for housing as our first stage of Kākātangiata in 2020.

On this page you can find out more about our preferred option for development at Kākātangiata and the planning process underway. 

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Map of land zoned for development.

The 842ha growth area is located on the western side of the city, just beyond the Mangaone Stream. It's marked in red on the map.

Our preferred masterplan

We have finalised the direction that our masterplan is taking based on the original shortlist of five. It’s based on our investigation work, including feedback from residents and key stakeholders.

Preferred masterplan: Kākātangiata masterplan version 2(PDF, 4MB)

Work on the masterplan is still in progress and so is not a final design. Rather, it should be viewed as a progress plan, or snapshot at this point in time, bearing in mind the many aspects involved in planning such a large area for a 30-year period.

The masterplan will still change as we finalise assessments, take on feedback from landowners and key stakeholders, and develop a plan change through consultation.

We presented the different options and our first version of the masterplan at residents’ forums in June 2021. You can read these below.

Kākātangiata structure plan and district plan change [overview and options for stakeholder engagement](PDF, 12MB)

Kākātangiata summary slideshow(PDF, 2MB)

Kākātangiata presentation boards(PDF, 10MB)

Kākātangiata masterplan version 1 (non-technical version)(PDF, 777KB)

Kākātangiata technical masterplan version 1(PDF, 2MB) 

We have some more work to do

This urban growth area is currently in the preparation phase. This means we’re collecting information from technical experts and getting landowner and stakeholder feedback so we can finalise the masterplan ready for notification. 

We’ve completed the following assessments:

Archaeological assessment(PDF, 2MB)

High class soils assessment(PDF, 1MB)

Waterways characterisation assessment(PDF, 2MB)

Contaminated land assessment(PDF, 16MB)

Ecological assessment(PDF, 2MB)

Social impact assessment(PDF, 2MB)

Finalising other assessments will depend on whether they’re needed to inform the masterplan. Still to be finalised are:

  • the masterplan
  • infrastructure staging analysis
  • cultural values and impact assessment
  • geotechnical assessment
  • noise assessment
  • stormwater servicing assessment
  • water and wastewater servicing assessments
  • urban design and landscape assessment
  • transport assessment
  • economic assessment. 

Next steps

Once the reports we need are completed, we can seek approval from Council to consult formally on this proposed District Plan change. The draft of this plan will then be notified for consultation, during which time you can have your say by making a submission. You’ll also be able to speak to Elected Members during a Council hearing if you’d like to.

After this a panel of commissioners will make a decision on any changes to the proposal based on what they have heard. There will then be an appeal period once this decision is released. Any appeals would be mediated or responded to in the Environment Court.

If the proposed plan change is accepted at that stage, the Kākātangiata urban growth area will be rezoned from rural to residential within the District Plan. Any development would be likely to happen in stages over time and be driven by both private landowners and our ability to build infrastructure to meet the needs of new housing in the area.