We recently reviewed and publicly consulted on our Development Contributions Policy alongside the Long-Term Plan 2024-34.
We received 509 submissions on our proposed changes. These fed into the final changes which include:
The removal of development contributions toward growth costs associated with our Nature Calls wastewater management project.
Amendments to better align our policy with requirements set out in the Local Government Act.
Rebalanced distributions toward the cost of growth infrastructure for water and wastewater, resulting in an increase for residential development and a decrease for non-residential.
The cost of interest on borrowing for capital projects has now been included in the policy.
Development contribution fees will not be charged for non-residential developments that don’t have a connection to our water or wastewater services.
Inclusion of new development contribution areas for Mātangi and the proposed Roxburgh Crescent residential areas.
Updated projected household growth data, maps and fee schedules.