Have your say on classifying Palmy’s parks and reserves

Submissions closing on 23 October 2024, 05:00 PM

Aerial view of gully heavily planted with natives, with sprawling homes and the ranges visible in the background.

All parks and reserves need to have a classification status that controls what types of activities can take place there – such as recreation, community use or to help control stormwater. We’re proposing to classify a number of our reserves and we want to know if you think any of them should be classified differently. 

Read what we're proposing and have your say

We develop parks for specific reasons – sometimes more than one

A park might be set up to give the community open space, or to manage stormwater by letting rain drain naturally, like in a gully. Some areas serve both purposes, offering flood control and places for people to enjoy.  

This is where classification comes in. The classification, required by the Reserves Act 1977, sets the rules for how each park or reserve can be used, based on its purpose (or purposes). Even though we’ve been managing these spaces for years, we now need to officially classify them under the Act. 

By classifying reserves, we set clear rules that protect their purpose and ensure any changes involve proper community consultation

Classification ensures reserves are used for the right activities. For example, a reserve classified as recreation will remain a space for sports and playgrounds.

A local purpose (stormwater) reserve focuses on managing rainwater but may also offer recreational opportunities, like walkways. Any recreational features, however, must align with the main purpose. For example, using plants like flaxes where water flows. 

Classifying reserves means we can manage them better

The Reserves Act requires that a reserve be classified before we can create a management plan for it. This makes sense – we need to be clear on what the reserve is for before planning how to care for it. 

Once the classifications are done, we can create clear management plans that match Council’s goals. This will make it easier and more affordable to manage things like leases, licenses, and activities. It also helps us plan for the future use of open spaces in your community, in line with our zoning rules. 

There are seven types of classifications, but in Palmy, we mostly use two

Local Purpose

These reserves serve specific community needs like stormwater drainage or community centres. Example: Frederick Krull Reserve (pictured) which is classified as local purpose (stormwater).

Aerial view of a limestone walkway winding along a hilltop. There are stands of trees nearby but not along the pathway.


These are spaces for activities like sports, picnics, and playgrounds, where people can enjoy physical activities. Examples: Milverton Park, Memorial Park (pictured), Bill Brown Park.

Children playing at the splashpad under the sun.

These are the other classifications under the Reserves Act, though we aren’t proposing to use them for this consultation: 

  • Scenic: Protected for their beauty, but open for walking and enjoying nature. 
  • Historic: Sites of historical importance like old settlements or battlefields. 
  • Nature: Reserved to protect native plants and animals, with no public access unless special permits are given. 
  • Scientific: Used for research and to protect rare species or ecosystems. 
  • Government purpose: Set aside for government use. 

Think of these classifications as a spectrum. At one end, local purpose reserves allow lots of activities and easy access, while at the other end, scientific reserves restrict access and activities without permits. Scenic reserves fall in the middle, balancing protection and public access.

We're proposing to classify the following reserves as either recreation or local purpose to best fit our green spaces

Map of Palmerston North showing the city divided into geographic areas as defined by Stats NZ.

We intend to declare the following Council-administered lands as reserves and classify them for the purposes stated below:

Park name & location Proposed classification  Legal description 
Adderstone Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Pt Lot 3, Lot DP 68798

Alexander Park, Alexander Street Recreation Lot 1 DP 78903
Andrew Ave Kindergarten Reserve, Roslyn Local purpose (community) Lot 1 DP 48926
Atawhai Park, Aokautere Recreation Lot 1 DP 41653, Lot 2 DP 41653, Lot 11 DP 1880, Lot 1 DP 48076 
Bledisloe Park, Massey University Recreation Lot 2 DP 26639, Pt Lot 1 DP 8981, Lot 1 DP 25688
Bunnythorpe Playground, Kairanga Recreation Sec 18 DP 217
Campbell Reserve, Palmerston North Central Recreation Pt Lot 10 DP 495
Chelmarsh Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lot 77 DP 50441
Colquhoun Park, Milson Recreation Lot 2 DP 21519, Lot 3 DP 21519
Coronation Park, Cloverlea Recreation Lot 1 DP 83560
Edwards Pit Park, Roslyn Recreation Lot 1 DP 57301, Lot 1 DP 69383, Lot 1 DP 48678
Fitzroy Bend Reserve, Hokowhitu Recreation Lot 35 DP 25417, Pt Lot 201 DP 791, Pt Lot 200 DP 791
Franklin Reserve, Hokowhitu Recreation Lot 66 DP 13552
Hillary Cres and Cambridge Ave Reserve, Ashhurst Recreation Lot 1 DP 58492
Hokowhitu Domain Recreation Lot 11 DP 20871, Lot 1 DP 18379, Lot 18 DP 32630
Hokowhitu Lagoon Recreation Lot 1 DP 12596, Lot 2 DP 12596
Kelvin Grove Park Recreation Lot 1 DP 76441
Kimberley Park, Cloverlea Recreation Lot 36 DP 33241
Langley Reserve, Milson Recreation Lot 4 DP 32581
Leander Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 8 DP 49580
Lincoln Park, Ashhurst Recreation Secs 172 to 177 Tn of Ashhurst
Manga o Tane Park, Aokautere  Local purpose (stormwater) Sec 410 Tn of Fitzherbert
Mangaone Park, Westbrook Recreation Lot 109 DP 43071, Lot 108 DP 43071
Maxwells Park, Awapuni Local purpose (utility) Lot 14 DP 17359, Lot 16 DP 21007, Lot 2 DP 32279
McCrae's Bush, Ashhurst Recreation Lot 7 DP 183
Milson Stream JFK Drive to Apollo/Milson Line & Terry Cres Drainage Reserves, Milson Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 1 DP 30759
Milverton Park, Hokowhitu Recreation Sec 954 Tn of Palmerston North
Missoula Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 53 DP 376442, Lot 49 DP 376442, Lot 50 DP 376442, Lot 51 DP 376442, Lot 52 DP 376442
Napier Road – Manawatū River/Mihaere Road Drainage Reserves, Kelvin Grove Local purpose (stormwater) Pt Lot 3 DP 10732, Pt Sec 390 Town of Palmerston North
Newton Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lot 20 DP 61925
Otira Park, Awapuni Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 48 DP 42202, Sec 1737 Tn of Palmerston North, Sec 1 SO 27741
Papaioea Park, Papaioea Recreation Lot 3 DP 82859
Pioneer Road Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lot 28 DP 33341 (WN10B/521)
Rangiora Community Centre, Roslyn Local purpose (community) Lot 175 DP 19498
Rangitāne Park, Awapuni Local purpose (stormwater) Pt Sec 361 Town of Palmerston North, Pt Lot 1 DP 3487, Sec 1736 Tn of Palmerston North, Sec 1 SO 28231, Lot 97 DP 43662, Lot 94 DP 44172, Lot 27 DP 33341, Pt Lot 1 DP 34174, Sec 2 SO 36761, Pt Sec 361 Town of Palmerston North
Ruamahanga Wilderness Reserve, Terrace End Recreation Lot 77 DP 29272, Pt Sec 389 Tn of Palmerston North, Lot 1 DP 13070
Rugby Reserve, Awapuni Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 23 DP 22571, Lot 22 DP 22571, Pt Lot 1 DP 68888
Schnell Wetlands Reserve, Milson Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 10 DP 75192
Skoglund Park, Roslyn Recreation Pt Sec 249 Tn of Palmerston North, Lot 20 DP 16564, Lot 87 DP 16563, Pt Sec 251 Tn of Palmerston North, Pt Lot 12 DP 14235, Pt Lot 98 DP 16563
Springdale Park, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 39 DP 60355
Takaro Park Recreation Lots 17 & 18 DP 2938
Turitea Stream Esplanade Reserve, Turitea Local purpose (esplanade) Lot 6 DP 80098, Lot 4 DP 87856, Lot 3 DP 78024, Lot 3 DP 83089, Lot 6 DP 86488, Lot 2 DP 82529
Tutukiwi Reserve, Aokautere Recreation Lot 3 DP 78145, Lot 4 DP 78145, Lot 5 DP 78145
Vautier Park, Roslyn Recreation Pt Sec 249 Tn of Palmerston North, Pt Sec 249 Tn of Palmerston North, Pt Sec 248 Tn of Palmerston North, Pt Sec 248 Tn of Palmerston North
Vogel Street /Main Street Park, Roslyn Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 1 DP 45100, Lot 2 DP 45100, Sec 1709 Tn of Palmerston North
Waihikoa Park, Palmerston North Hospital Recreation Pt Sec 237 Tn of Palmerston North, Pt Sec 238 Tn of Palmerston North


We intend to classify these existing reserves for the purposes stated below:

Park name & location Proposed classification  Legal description 
Adderstone Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 44 45 DP 72136
Amberley Reserve, Highbury Recreation Lot 609 DP 46617
Andrew Ave Kindergarten Reserve, Roslyn Local purpose (community) Lot 3 DP 52257, Lot 2 DP 52257, Lot 1 DP 52257
Andrew Ave Stormwater Reserve, Roslyn Local purpose (stormwater)  Lot 10 DP 20572
Ashton Reserve, Highbury Recreation Lot 176 DP 52903
Awapuni Park, Awapuni Recreation Lot 1 DP 23704, Lot 19 DP 29836, Lot 38 DP 23361, Lot 6 DP 24655, Lot 97 DP 20548
Balmoral Reserve, Terrace End Recreation Lot 20 DP 77536
Barber’s Bush, Massey University Recreation Lot 28 DP 78778
Bill Brown Park, Westbrook Recreation Lot 1 DP 40097
Bledisloe Park, Massey University Recreation Lot 4 DP 58909
Campbell Reserve, Palmerston North Central Recreation Lot 2 DP 54537
Celaeno Park, Kelvin Grove  Recreation Lot 34 DP 306843, Lots 87 & 88 DP 357718, Lots 1 & 2 DP 83420
Chelmarsh Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lot 19 DP 72702
Chippendale Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lot 11 DP 56493, Lot 18 DP 331089
Clearview Park, Milson Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 189 DP 67876, Lot 190 DP 69215, Lot 1 DP 69185
Colquhoun Park, Milson Recreation Lot 17 DP 69036
Coronation Park, Cloverlea Recreation Lot 1 DP 78377
Crewe Park, Hokowhitu Recreation Lots 1 & 2 DP 21369, Lot 11 DP 20721
Dahlstrom Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 16 DP 74293
Dalfield Reserve, Westbrook Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 102 DP 53469, Lot 101 DP 53469, Lot 30 DP 70035, Lot 30 DP 73030
David Spring Park, Westbrook Recreation Lot 15 DP 73907, Lot 112 DP 59228, Lot 112 DP 59229, Lot 108 DP 54851
Dittmer Reserve, Awapuni Recreation Lot 347 DP 32897, Sec 1701 Tn of Palmerston North
Fair Acres Square, Milson Recreation Lot 84 DP 337306
Farnham Park, Highbury Recreation Lot 142 DP 22272
Frederick Krull Reserve, Kelvin Grove Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 90 DP 305623, Lot 14 DP 68190, Lot 2 DP 69705, Lot 60 DP 88927, Lot 59 DP 88927, Lot 76 DP 89325, Lot 90 DP 307225, Lot 91 DP 307225, Lot 68 DP 90076, Lot 63 DP 90025, Lot 32 DP 91139
Galley Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 258 DP 349496, Lot 28 DP 347181
Hind Reserve/Willow Bank Reserve, Hokowhitu Recreation Lot 1 DP 52182
Hokowhitu Lagoon Recreation Lot 3 DP 26657, Pt Lot Pt Lot 2 DP 1332, Lot 1 DP 26657 1 DP 19255 Pt Lot 3 DP 1332, Pt Lot 3 DP 1332, Pt Lot 254 DP 666, Pt Lot 3 DP 1332
Hulme Street Reserve, Roslyn Recreation Lot 109 DP 19341
Jefferson Reserve, Milson Recreation Lot 34 DP 85733, Lot 49 DP 71078, Lot 50 DP 71078
John F Kennedy Park, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 359 DP 35270
Kahuterawa Reserve, Turitea Recreation Lot 2 DP 30200, Lot 4 DP 80726, Lot 1 DP 30200
Kawau Stream, Highbury, Takaro, Westbrook Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 55 DP 75566, Lots 112 & 113 DP 54851, Lot 23 DP 74440, Lot 331 DP 54229, Lot 111 DP 23458, Lot 5 DP 84966, Lot 1 DP 80639, Lot 1 DP 82569, Lot 2 DP 82569, Lot 4 DP 87801
Keith Reserve, Roslyn Recreation Lot 165 DP 16011, Lot 174 DP 16011, Lot 173 DP 16010
Kelvin Grove Park Recreation Lot 21 DP 81951, Lot 35 DP 78689, Lot 14 DP 54885, Lot 20 DP 81951, Lot 1 DP 59112, Lot 110 DP 53373, Lot 23 DP 61274
Kennedy Park, Milson Recreation Lot 63 DP 80543, Lot 54 DP 81646
Lakemba Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 32 DP 81947, Lot 30 DP 79867, Lot 21 DP 79867
Lancewood Reserve, Roslyn Recreation Lot 12 DP 81499
Leander Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 35 DP 85712
Lincoln Park, Ashhurst Recreation Sec 167 Tn of Ashhurst
Linklater Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 2 DP 428030
Lower Pari Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Pt Lot 13 DP 72989, Lot 57 DP 372624, Lot 54 DP 325277
Lower Titoki Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 27 DP 82639, Lot 72 DP 454853, Lot 32 DP 331630
Mahanga Kakariki Reserve, Milson Recreation Lot 1 DP 395268
Manawatū River Esplanade Reserves, Manawatū River Local purpose (esplanade) Lot 3 DP 71883, Lot 4 DP 32144, Lot 3 DP 53320, Lot 3 DP 60866, Lot 4 DP 52674, Sec 1 SO 30155, Pt Lot 205 DP 791, Lot 3 DP 319563, Lot 26 DP 333699, Pt Sec 2 SO 36829, Lot 3 DP 76077, Lot 7 DP 76241, Lot 4 DP 79318, Lot 18 DP 87826, Lot 4 DP 83330, Lot 3 DP 31059, Lot 5 DP 35256, Lot 6 DP 76241, Sec 1 SO 31844
Manga o Tane Walkway, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 39 DP 65835
Manga o Tane Park, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 2 DP 78872, Lot 1 DP 78872
Mangaone Park, Westbrook Recreation Lot 1 DP 48075, Lot 57 DP 47791
Mangaone Stream Accessway, Milson Recreation Lot 56 DP 81646, Lot 62 DP 80543
Mangaone Stream Esplanade Reserves, Milson, Westbrook Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 1 DP 86400, Lot 3 DP 437961, Lot 3 DP 79382, Lot 57 DP 81646, Lot 54 DP 79265, Lot 51 DP 79265, Lot 50 DP 79265, Lot 3 DP 70628, Lot 52 DP 79265, Lot 64 DP 80543, Lot 60 DP. 81646, Lot 1 DP 81647, Lot 1 DP 63196
Marriner Reserve, Highbury Recreation Lot 3 DP 29419, Lot 4 DP 29419
Massey Walkway, Massey University Recreation Lot 1 DP 385545
Matheson Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 164 DP 379181, Lot 145 DP 360122, Lot 146 DP 360122, Lot 163 DP 379181, Lot 162 DP 379181, Lot 144 DP 360122
Memorial Park, Terrace End Recreation Sec 380 Tn of Palmerston North, Pt Sec 387 Tn of Palmerston North
Milson Stream JFK Drive to Apollo/Milson Line & Terry Cres Drainage Reserves, Milson Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 3 DP 84841, Pt Lot 8 DP 5402
Monrad Park, Highbury Recreation Pt Lot 1 DP 25599, Lots 74, 75 & 76 DP 25218
Moonshine Valley, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 20 DP 67306, Lot 20 DP 67306, Lot 21 DP 67306
Napier Road – Manawatū River/Mihaere Road Drainage Reserves, Kelvin Grove Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 2 DP 61928, Lot 1 DP 69096
Newton Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lots 20 & 31 DP 61925
Ngahere Park, Aokautere Local purpose (esplanade) Lot 3 DP 82529, Lot 1 DP 82529, Lot 5 DP 80098
Norton Park, Roslyn Local purpose (stormwater) Pt Lot 17 DP 17130, Lot 3 DP 64311
Oriana Reserve, Milson Recreation Lot 45 DP 77718
Otira Park, Awapuni Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 13 DP 78418, Pt Lot 1 DP 3063
Owen Street Playground, Kairanga Recreation Lot 25 DP 66581
Pacific Drive Reserve, Aokautere Recreation Lot 1 DP 77345, Lot 2 DP 80999
Pacific Drive Walkway, Aokautere Recreation Lot 130 DP 361098
Pari Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Pt Lot 13 DP 72989, Lot 57 DP 303935, Lot 54 DP 325277, Lot 57 DP 303935, Lot 1 DP 79634, Lot 14 DP 80588
Parnell Heights Reserve, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 23 DP 80490
Peace Tree Reserve, Aokautere Recreation Lot 13 DP 361098, Lot 12 DP 361098, Lot 14 DP 361098
Pembroke Reserve, Highbury Recreation Lot 3 DP 29418, Lot 2 DP 29418
Peren Park, Aokautere Recreation Lot 1 DP 82417
Pioneer Road Reserve, Westbrook Recreation Lot 2 DP 88159, Lot 52 DP 44316 & Lot 53 DP 45320
Poutoa Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 73 DP 88420, Lot 74 DP 76919, Lot 74 DP 76920, Lot 74 DP 76923, Lot 74 DP 76921, Lot 35 DP 87509, Lot 74 DP 76922, Lot 74 DP 87510
Poutoa Walkway, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 75 DP 87509
Raleigh Reserve, Awapuni Recreation Lot 178 DP 28322
Rangiora Reserve, Roslyn Recreation Lot 185 DP 19498
Rangitāne Park, Awapuni Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 96 DP 44172l
Robert Park, Kelvin Grove Recreation Lot 43 DP 303210
Salisbury Street Children’s Play Area, Kairanga Recreation Lot 8 DP 22852
Savage Reserve, Awapuni Recreation Lot 53 DP 15409
Schnell Wetlands Reserve, Milson Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 2 DP 75192, Lot 9 DP 75192, Lot 6 DP 75192, Lot 85 DP 411222, Lot 2 DP 83421, Lot 3 DP 73980
Skoglund Park, Roslyn Recreation Pt Sec 249 Tn of Palmerston North
Springdale Park, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 1 DP 54785
Strachan Reserve, Westbrook Recreation
Lot 18 DP 77996
Summerhill Gully Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 60 DP 75258, Lot 58 DP 75258
Summerhill Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 26 DP 82639, Lot 31 DP 331630
Takaro Park Recreation Pt Sec 1691 Town of Palmerston North
Titoki Reserve, Aokautere Local purpose (stormwater) Lot 2 DP 82417, Lot 58 DP 434860, Lot 28 DP 316453, Lot 53 DP 303935, Lot 35 DP 316470 & Lot 67 DP 383899
Totaranui Park, Awapuni Recreation Lot 72 DP 51107
Turitea Stream Esplanade Reserve, Turitea Local purpose (esplanade) Lot 2 DP 81743, Lots 5 DP 80098, Lot 3 DP 87856, Lot 2 DP 78024, Lot 2 DP 83089, Lot 4 DP 86488, Lot 7 DP 86488, Lot 1 DP 82529, Lot 3 DP 82529
Turitea Walkway, Aokautere Recreation  Lot 45 DP 72136, Lot 2 DP 87842
Tutukiwi Reserve, Aokautere Recreation Lot 3 DP 82353
Waterloo Crescent Reserve, Hokowhitu Recreation Lot 3 DP 51192, Lot 1 DP 51192, Lot 2 DP 51192
Waterloo Park, Hokowhitu Recreation Pt Lot 44 DP 22620
Whitten Reserve, Ashhurst Recreation
Lot 16 DP 69095, Lot 38 DP 48209
Willowstream Reserve, Cloverlea Recreation Lot 47 DP 66769

We're also proposing to reclassify parts of Pari Reserve

Pari Reserve is off Aokautere Drive. It features a pond, wetlands, and a short walking track. It helps manage and drain rainwater naturally, preventing flooding and keeping the surrounding area safe and dry. Think of this reserve as nature's way of handling a big rainstorm! 

Currently, different sections of the reserve are classified as either recreation or local purpose (stormwater). In the future, we might need to work on infrastructure or manage the area in ways that the recreation classification doesn't allow. To make this easier, we propose changing the parts of the reserve currently classified as recreation to local purpose (stormwater). 

The parts we propose reclassifying so they are aligned with the classification of the rest of the reserve are Lot 3 DP 33102, Sec 5 SO 37111 and Sec 6 SO 37111. 

Aerial view of gully heavily planted with natives, with sprawling homes and the ranges visible in the background.

Have your say by Wednesday 23 October 

Let us know if you think any of these reserves should be managed differently. Your feedback will help us make informed decisions about how these spaces are used and protected. 

Click here to view form.

Next steps

Once consultation closes, we’ll hear from anyone who wishes to speak. A report will be presented to the Council based on the consultation results, with recommendations. After all reserves are classified or reclassified, we’ll start drafting general reserve management plans.