Notice of amendments to the Palmerston North District Plan

On Display Indefinitely

The Environment Court has granted Palmerston North City Council’s application to make rules in Proposed Plan Change G take immediate effect.

Palmerston North City Council publicly notified proposed plan change G: Aokautere Urban Growth on 8 August 2022. The proposed plan change seeks to rezone land in Aokautere for additional greenfield growth. 

On 25 August 2022 the Council made an application to the Environment Court to make rules in the proposed plan change take immediate legal effect, pursuant to section 86D of the Resource Management Act 1991.

The Environment Court issued a decision on 25 October 2022 granting the Council’s application. As a result, from 25 October 2022 the District Plan rules identified in the table below, as amended by Proposed Plan Change G, now have legal effect. 

 Section 7: Subdivision
Restricted discretionary activities
R7.15.2.1 Subdivision within the Aokautere Rural-Residential Area, Moonshine Valley Residential Area and the Rural Residential Overlay
Non-complying activities


Subdivision which does not comply with the Restricted Discretionary Performance Standards for Subdivision in the Rural-Residential Area identified on the Aokautere Structure Plan
 Section 7A: Greenfield Residential Areas
Restricted discretionary activities
R7A.5.2.1 Restricted discretionary activities
R7A.5.2.2 Performance standards for restricted discretionary activities
R7A.5.2.3 Assessment criteria for restricted discretionary activities
Non-complying activities
R7A.5.5 Non-complying activities in Aokautere Residential Area
Structure plans
R7A.4-7A.4G Aokautere Structure Plan
Section 10: Residential Zone – Section 10.6
Dwellings and Accessory Buildings
Permitted activities
R10.6.1.5 Dwellings, minor dwellings and accessory buildings in the greenfield residential areas
Restricted discretionary activities
R10.6.3.2 Buildings or structures within a greenfield residential area that do not comply with performance standards for permitted or controlled activities
R10.6.3.3 Multi-unit residential development in the multi-unit housing areas
R10.6.3.4 Non-notification multi-unit residential development in the Aokautere residential area
Non-complying activities
R10.6.5.6 Transport infrastructure (Aokautere residential area)
Section 10: Residential Zone – Section 10.7
Non-Residential Activities
Discretionary activities
R10.7.4 Discretionary activities
R10.7.4.6 Retirement villages and residential centres
Non-complying activities 
R10.7.5.3 Retirement villages in Aokautere residential area
Map 10.1A Aokautere development area
Map Multi-unit residential housing area: Aokautere residential area
Section 11: Business Zones – Section 11.10
Local Business Zone
Permitted activities
R11.10.2.1 Permitted activities (excluding residential activities at ground floor level in the Aokautere neighbourhood centre)
R11.10.2.2 Construction, alteration of, or addition to buildings
Restricted discretionary activities
R11.10.3.1 Activities which do not comply with the permitted activity performance standards
R11.10.3.2 Construction, external alteration of, or addition to a building which does not comply with the performance standards for permitted activities
Non-complying activities
R11.10.5 Non-complying activities
Section 15: Recreation
Restricted discretionary activities
R15.5.4 Roading and essential services within Aokautere Structure Plan
Non-complying activities
R15.5.6.1 Non-complying activities