This proposed plan change will guide future growth and urban development in Aokautere.
Proposed Plan Change G was notified on 8 August 2022. It seeks to rezone a new greenfield growth area in Aokautere for residential development and inserts an accompanying structure plan and provisions (objectives, policies, and rules) into the District Plan.
The independent hearing panel has released its decision, following a hearing last December. Appeals were invited from submitters and closed on Thursday 18 July.
Decision Report of the Independent Hearing Panel(PDF, 4MB)
These documents detail the sections of the District Plan affected by the decision.
Section 4 Definitions amended by PCG(PDF, 1MB)
Section 7 Subdivision amended by PCG(PDF, 5MB)
Section 7A Greenfields Residential Areas amended by PCG(PDF, 17MB)
Section 10 Residential Zone amended by PCG(PDF, 9MB)
Section 11 Business Zone amended by PCG(PDF, 5MB)
Section 15 Recreation Zone amended by PCG(PDF, 2MB)
Section 20 Land Transport amended by PCG(PDF, 5MB)
A hearing for this plan change was held in December 2023.
You can find the hearing agenda and tabled evidence on the hearing page. You can also watch hearing recordings on the page.
Hearing: Proposed Plan Change G: Aokautere urban growth
Notice of hearing
Minute 1 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 118KB)
Minute 2 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 92KB)
Minute 3 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 81KB)
Minute 4 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 110KB)
Minute 5 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 71KB)
Minute 6 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 75KB)
Minute 7 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 83KB)
Minute 8 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 79KB)
Minute 9 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 79KB)
Minute 10 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 73KB)
Minute 11 of independent hearing panel(PDF, 128KB)
In September 2023, a series of pre-hearing meetings took place in Palmerston North City Council.
Pre-hearing meeting report - 26 October 2023(PDF, 3MB)
On 25 August 2022 the Council made an application to the Environment Court to make rules in Proposed Plan Change G take immediate legal effect, pursuant to section 86D of the Resource Management Act 1991. The Environment Court issued a decision on 25 October 2022 granting the Council's application and ordering the rules to have legal effect from the decision date.
Note, the Operative District Plan has been amended to include the rules that have immediate legal effect.
Environment Court decision(PDF, 334KB)
Notice of amendments to the District Plan
Section 32 technical report: Proposed plan change G(PDF, 1MB)
Appendix 1 – Proposed Plan Change G Amendments to the District Plan: Part 1(PDF, 10MB)
Appendix 1 – Proposed Plan Change G Amendments to the District Plan: Part 2(PDF, 14MB)
Appendix 2: Zoning Maps(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 3: Aokautere All Structure Plans(PDF, 8MB)
Appendix 4: Aokautere Masterplan Report: Part 1(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 4: Aokautere Masterplan Report: Part 2(PDF, 12MB)
Appendix 4: Aokautere Masterplan Report: Part 3(PDF, 21MB)
Appendix 4: Aokautere Masterplan Report: Part 4(PDF, 8MB)
Appendix 4: Aokautere Masterplan Report: Part 5(PDF, 12MB)
Appendix 4: Aokautere Masterplan Report: Part 6(PDF, 1MB)
Appendix 5: Traffic Assessment Aokautere(PDF, 3MB)
Appendix 6: Cultural Impact Assessment(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 7: Ecology Report Addendum(PDF, 14MB)
Appendix 8: Acoustic Assessment(PDF, 298KB)
Appendix 9: Geotechnical Assessment(PDF, 10MB)
Appendix 10: Landscape Character Assessment(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 11: Stormwater Management Strategy(PDF, 9MB)
Appendix 12: Aokautere Centre Retail Report(PDF, 6MB)
Appendix 13: Parks and Reserves Servicing Memorandum(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 14: Urban Design Statement Planning Controls(PDF, 2MB)
Appendix 15: Technical Report Summary(PDF, 98KB)
S42A report - Strategic Planning(PDF, 1MB)
S42A report - Urban Design(PDF, 5MB)
S42A report - Stormwater(PDF, 30MB)
Stormwater, Appendix B, Figure 01 - Annotated: Likely Council-led infrastructure(PDF, 9MB)
S42A report - Geotechnical(PDF, 21MB)
S42A report - Transport(PDF, 14MB)
S42A report - Urban-Economics(PDF, 880KB)
S42A report - Feasibility(PDF, 1MB)
S42A report - Ecology(PDF, 42MB)
Ecology, Table 3 - Updated offsetting calculations(PDF, 341KB)
S42A report - Landscape(PDF, 29MB)
S42A report - Acoustics(PDF, 915KB)
S42A report - Parks and Reserves(PDF, 851KB)
S42A report - Planning, Part A(PDF, 16MB)
S42A report - Planning, Part B(PDF, 49MB)
Statement of reply evidence - strategic planning(PDF, 846KB)
Statement of reply evidence - urban design(PDF, 1MB)
Statement of reply evidence - stormwater(PDF, 13MB)
Statement of reply evidence - geotechnical(PDF, 219KB)
Statement of reply evidence - transportation(PDF, 2MB)
Statement of reply evidence - urban economics(PDF, 448KB)
Statement of reply evidence - feasibility(PDF, 205KB)
Statement of reply evidence - ecology(PDF, 148KB)
Statement of reply evidence - landscape(PDF, 186KB)
Statement of reply evidence - parks and reserves(PDF, 710KB)
Statement of reply evidence - planning(PDF, 22MB)
Updated PCG Structure Plans(PDF, 50MB)
Structure Plans - Rectified version - 4 December 2023(PDF, 48MB)
Updated zoning map(PDF, 3MB)
Updated District Plan provisions(PDF, 44MB)
The first stage of the submission process took place throughout August 2022. We received 107 submissions in total. Copies of the original submissions and a summary of the decisions requested are now available.
Submissions on Proposed Plan Change G: 1 to 57(PDF, 42MB)
Submissions on Proposed Plan Change G: 58 to 107(PDF, 46MB)
Summary of decisions requested from original submissions(PDF, 2MB)
We have also received 5 further submissions. These are for or against points raised in the original submissions.
FS 1 - Palmerston North City Council(PDF, 529KB)
FS 2 - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency(PDF, 350KB)
FS 3 - Rosemary & Anthony Gear(PDF, 678KB)
FS 4 - Brett Guthrie(PDF, 2MB)
FS 5 - Heritage Estates 2000 Ltd(PDF, 549KB)
Submitter 39: submitter's statement, 26 October 2023(PDF, 138KB)
Submitter 43: submitter's statement, 4 November 2023(PDF, 511KB)
Submitter 51: submitter's statement, 3 November 2023(PDF, 641KB)
Submitter 58: submitter's statement, 4 November 2023(PDF, 5MB)
Submitter 41: statement of evidence, 27 October 2023(PDF, 78KB)
Submitter 45: statement of evidence planning, 27 October 2023(PDF, 26MB)
Submitter 51: statement of evidence stormwater geotech, 1 November 2023(PDF, 218KB)
Submitter 51: statement of evidence planning and master planning / architectural / project management, 3 November 2023(PDF, 2MB)
Submitter 58: statement of evidence planning, 27 October 2023(PDF, 676KB)
Submitter 61: statement of evidence planning, 27 October 2023(PDF, 7MB)
Submitter 63: statement of evidence corporate, 27 October 2023(PDF, 631KB)
Submitter 63: statement of evidence planning, 27 October 2023(PDF, 1008KB)
Submitter 63: statement of evidence transport, 27 October 2023(PDF, 3MB)
Joint witness statement of transportation experts, 14 November 2023(PDF, 173KB)
Joint witness statement of planning experts, 15 and 16 November 2023(PDF, 3MB)
Read our consultation page: Aokautere urban growth.
If you've any questions about this plan change, please contact our strategic planning team.
Phone: 06 356 8199