Terms and conditions

General website terms and conditions of use

These terms and conditions apply to the Palmerston North City Council (“Council”, “we”, “us” and "our") website and our associated websites where that website does not have its own terms of use. 

This website, including these terms, is changed and updated from time to time. Some of the online services made available by the Council may be subject to additional terms and conditions. By accessing and using any online or other interactive service, users are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions applicable to that service.


Palmerston North City Council has made every reasonable effort to provide accurate information on our website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. However, the Council does not present this information as advice and does not accept responsibility for actions taken based on reading it.

The Council does not guarantee that:

  • website visitors will have uninterrupted or error-free access to, and use of, the website
  • the website or any files available for downloading will be error-free or free from viruses, faults or defects
  • the content of the website is accurate, complete, or suitable for a particular purpose. Website visitors must rely on their own judgment in relation to any matter of that type.


Links and references to other websites are provided as a convenience only. We cannot guarantee that external sites are accurate or that they will operate correctly.

We have not reviewed and do not endorse, approve or assume responsibility for material posted or services or products offered on any other website. The Council is not affiliated with any person whose goods or services are linked to or from our website or any linked site. You will be subject to the privacy and security policies of the new website once you navigate off our website domain. 

Website use

You must not do anything which alters our website or interferes with how it works. If you wish to provide a link to our site from your website, you must do so in such a way that it is clear to users that the pages are part of the Palmerston North City Council website. You must not represent any page on this website in a subframe. 

Online payments

By using any online payment service on the Council's website, you accept and agree to be bound by the online payment terms and conditions.

Privacy statement

The collection and use of personal information by the Palmerston North City Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 2020. Under this Act, personal information may be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of Council and only if necessary, for that purpose. Such information must, as a general rule, be collected directly from the individual concerned and that person must be told why the information is needed.

Palmerston North City Council will use personal information only for the provision of Council services and will not make personal information available to the public except where authorised by the Privacy Act or other legislation. For more information, see the Council's privacy statement.


This site provides users with access to public information. You may copy, print or download any material on this site. 

Creative Commons 

Nearly all pncc.govt.nz content is licensed under Creative Commons. Unless noted as an exception, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt the material, as long as you attribute the work to Palmerston North City Council and follow the other licence terms.

Read the licence on the Creative Commons website 

Some material linked to, included in or referenced on this website is owned by people or organisations separate to Palmerston North City Council. This material retains the status given to it by the relevant copyright holder. The licence referred to above does not apply to such material, and no licence to use it is granted to a user of this website.

Attribution to the Palmerston North City Council should be in written form and not by reproduction of any such emblem, logo, or Coat of Arms.

The Palmerston North City Council emblem may not be used in any way that infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981, or would infringe such provision if the relevant use occurred within New Zealand.

How to attribute material

If you publish, distribute, or otherwise disseminate our work to the public without adapting it, use:

“Source: Palmerston North City Council and licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence."

If you adapt this work in any way or include it in a collection, and publish, distribute, or otherwise disseminate that adaptation or collection to the public, use:

"This work is based on/includes Palmerston North City Council data, which is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence."

Who to contact about using material from this website

If you have questions about material from this website, contact the Communications Manager at media@pncc.govt.nz

Using images from Manawatū Heritage

Images from the Palmerston North City Council and Community Archives featured on the Manawatū Heritage website are provided on this website for the purpose of personal and non-commercial study (such as school projects, family and local history research). 

This website has some text and other items that are used with the copyright holder’s permission. Next to each item you will find a license that shows you what you can do with the content on our website. You may not reproduce, in print or electronic format, these items without first getting permission from the copyright holder.

You must review and comply with the Manawatū Heritage terms of use

Terms and conditions for online payments

Before your payment can be processed you must accept the following terms and conditions.

The online payment service made available by Palmerston North City Council (“Council”, “we”, “us” and “our”) enables customers to process certain types of transactions (as made available by us) that can be performed through our website. All such transactions are subject to these terms and conditions as well as our general website terms and conditions and any particular terms that apply to any of our services (including online services) to which your proposed payment relates. We may vary these terms and conditions from time to time without notification. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with them. 

1. Use of online payments and transactions acceptance

By using our online payment service you have agreed to, and accept, the terms and conditions applying at the time you complete the transaction. You may use the information provided to you through your online transactions solely for your personal and/or business purposes, provided that you do not remove any proprietary rights notices, do not modify the information or make it available to third parties through a networked computer environment and do not make any additional representations or warranties regarding the information.

We use payment processors to facilitate transactions that will charge your relevant bank account to take payment from you. The payment processor will collect payment details from you on our behalf. Currently, we engage Windcave to provide payment processing services, but we reserve the right to change payment processors at our discretion.

2. Information and privacy

You hereby authorise Council to receive and collect information about you (including information about your online transactions) through our website. Any such information collected shall be handled in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 2020. We may disclose information about you (including your identity) to a third party if we are requested to do so in the course of a criminal or other legal investigation, or if we determine that disclosure is necessary in connection with any complaint regarding your use of the website.

3. Fees payable

All credit or debit card payments will incur a surcharge of 1.3% per transaction to cover our reasonable costs in providing the online payment service. This fee is calculated before payment is submitted and is included in the total transaction amount. We have several other payment options available if you prefer not to use the online payment service.

You should check with your card issuer for details about fees or charges that may also apply as this credit/debit card transaction is carried out in terms of the arrangement between you and your card issuer. 

If payment is made using a credit card or debit card issued outside of New Zealand, any currency conversion will be carried out according to the terms and conditions of the card and there may be additional fees charged by your card issuer.

4. Once submitted, payment information cannot be changed

You must carefully check all information you input into the online payment service to ensure it is correct before you confirm the transaction can proceed. You will not be able to change the information once it has been processed.

We will have no liability for transactions that are incorrect as a result of inaccurate information provided by you or for any loss of information caused by factors outside our control.

5. Consent for us to receive, store and provide information in electronic form

By using the online payment service, you agree to provide and receive information through electronic means. You also agree and understand that the information will be retained in electronic form.

6. Security

Transaction processing is provided through a secure website. However, you acknowledge and agree that internet transmissions are never entirely secure or private, and that any message or information you send to or through a website while performing online transactions (including credit card or debit card information) may be read or intercepted by others, even where a website is stated as being secure.

We do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us. Any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall have no liability for the interception or "hacking” of data through our website by unauthorised third parties.

7. Availability

We do not warrant or guarantee that the online payment service and/or your use of the online payment service will be error-free, immediate, virus free and/or continuously available or that the information provided through the online payment service will be complete, accurate and/or up-to-date.

Without limiting the above, we will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from service disruptions or downtime caused by, or affecting, our third party service providers.

8. Your warranties and indemnity

In using any Council online transaction or payment service you represent and warrant that you are over 18 and have legal capacity to contract in New Zealand. If you are using a credit card or debit card to process a transaction, you represent and warrant that the card is issued in your name and that you will pay to the issuer all charges incurred while using online transactions.

You agree to indemnify us for any loss, cost or expense suffered or incurred by us as result of:

  • your breach of your obligations under these terms and conditions;
  • intentional misuse of the online payment service;
  • your negligent acts or omissions in using the online payment service; and
  • any claim brought against us by a third party in relation to your use of the online payment service.

9. Accuracy of transaction information

Before completing an online transaction with us, you will be presented with a confirmation screen verifying the transaction details of the payment you wish to process. It is your responsibility to enter your information correctly and verify that all information displayed is correct. Once your payment is finalised you should print the receipt confirmation for future reference and your files.

10. Limitation of liability

Except as expressly prohibited by law, in no event will we be liable to you for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental or punitive damages, including lost profits, even where we have been advised of the possibility of such damages occurring. If, notwithstanding the foregoing, Council is found to be liable to you for any damage or loss which arises as a result of your use of the website, our liability shall to the extent permitted by law be limited to the dollar amount of the transaction which formed the basis of the damage or $100, whichever is the lesser.

11. Right to suspend, alter or cancel services

We may at any time without prior notice or any liability to you, cancel or suspend any or all online services and/or to substitute alternative services, which may or may not be interactive or transactional in nature.

12. Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions and the online services they cover are governed by New Zealand law. New Zealand Courts have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter in connection with the online services and these terms and conditions.

13. Support hours

We provide customer support through our call centre 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will try to assist you over the phone, however complex or technical queries may require us to call you back during our normal business hours of 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

14. Refunds policy

We may issue a refund when it has been proven that a payment has been made more than once for the same item or where otherwise required to by law. Any refund made will be made at our discretion. A request for a refund must be made in writing to us. If a refund is made, it will be for the invoice amount and will exclude any payment processing fees charged at the time of the initial transaction. When approved will only be returned onto the credit or debit card, or bank account used to make the payment.

Guidelines for interacting on Council’s social media channels

We welcome your comments, questions and encourage discussion on our social media channels. Please remember to be polite and respectful with your comments to other users, and council staff responding to your comments and questions.

If you have a request for service for council to fix or ‘do’ something, you need to call our contact centre on 06 356 8199 or submit a request through our online form. While we’re monitoring comments on our channels, we do not log one-off service requests from comments on our social media pages.

When we ask for your feedback in a post or seek submissions as part of a submission process then we may record your comments and supply these to elected members as part of their decision making. That means your profile name, and comment may form part of a council report which will be on the public record on our website in the future years to come, and available to people making requests under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).

Council staff monitor the comments on our social media page. If you want to share feedback with our elected members, we encourage you to make submissions during consultation processes or reach out to them. Their contact details are available here: Elected members | Palmerston North City Council

On our channels, we may hide or remove comments, and may at times block users that:

  • Make personal attacks or defamatory statements about an individual
  • Are not relevant to council projects or services
  • Contain offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, age or religious groups, gender, sexual orientation or disability
  • Reveal confidential information or disclose private information or details of elected members, staff, other Facebook users or individuals
  • Are misinformation or disinformation
  • Are spam or advertising
  • Contain offensive language, abuse, harassment or threats
  • Contain nudity, pornography or child abuse, or comments referring to these
  • Content that is illegal, gives instructions for illegal activity or advocates illegal activities
  • Posting of material that violates copyrights or trademarks of others

We will at times turn comments off if there are repeated breaches of the above topics, or if staff are struggling to monitor the volume of comments/questions coming in.

Our social media channels must not be used for electioneering. We will remove any post or comment about your or someone else’s nomination, intention to run for Council or election campaign.

All communication with the council over social media channels is subject to the Public Records Act 2005 as they are considered to be local authority records (as defined in the Act). All responses, posts, comments or any other activity on our page will be collected and retained for as long as is required by their approved records disposal schedule. Access to retained social media posts and responses that are no longer live on the social media channel is through our usual official information request (LGOIMA) process.

You are subject to the Terms of Service of the host site when interacting with our pages or posts. Any content you share like photos or videos on our social media pages will be subject to the host site terms and you should consult with their Terms of Service or Use.

We may amend or modify these Customer Use guidelines at any time.

Rates and water account email invoice terms and conditions

  1. Applications to receive your rates or water account invoice by email must be submitted by the current ratepayer, who is listed on the rates invoice and named in the rating information database. If a company or organisation owns the property, then an authorised person of that company or organisation. 
  2. You will start to receive your rates or water account invoice via email when your next instalment is due. 
  3. Only one email recipient can be registered to receive a rates or water account invoice by email per property.   
  4. We will not accept responsibility for rates invoices or water account invoices that are undeliverable for any reason whatsoever . Please check the email address entered carefully including for any spelling errors.  
  5. If your email address is undeliverable , this authorisation will be cancelled and we will post a copy of your rates invoice or water account invoice to the last known postal address of the ratepayer. 
  6. Please advise us if you change or cancel your email address. It is your responsibility to keep your email address up to date.
  7. We may cancel this service any time at our discretion.
  8. The personal information you have provided in this form may be used by us for any of the purposes listed in our privacy statement. You can read how we use your information on our website:

Privacy statement

Development contributions estimator terms and conditions

Important note: Before using the Development Contributions Estimator Tool (“the Estimator Tool”), please be aware that the information generated is an estimate only which has limitations as to its accuracy.

The Estimator Tool simplifies the development contributions calculation to provide an estimate for the following activities:

  • Residential – subdivision of land and development of additional dwellings on site
  • Non-Residential – subdivision of land and development of new buildings
  • Rural – subdivision of land, development of new dwellings and other new buildings.

The accuracy of the estimation generated by the Estimator Tool is also dependent upon the accuracy of user inputs, and any changes to the relevant Development Contribution Policy which may occur prior to any development contribution assessment.

A Planning Officer for the Council will be able to provide you with a development contributions calculation upon request.

The Council makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness or use of this Development Contributions Estimator or any information provided by it. To the extent permissible by law, the Council expressly disclaims any liability to the user in relation to the use of this Development Contributions Estimator.

By clicking on the accept button you acknowledge the limitations of the Development Contributions Estimator outlined above.

General Competition terms and conditions

At times, Palmerston North City Council will run Giveaways or Competitions through its Palmy Proud magazine, websites, email newsletters and social media channels to encourage readership and visitation, as well as promote Palmerston North City Council services and events.

By entering this Competition or Giveaway, entrants are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following general Terms and Conditions.

Competitions and Giveaways

Competition and Giveaway winners will be determined by a random draw of all valid entries. The Draw will be conducted by the Palmerston North City Council or any other person at the discretion of the Palmerston North City Council.

Entries received after the closing date will not be accepted. Entries submitted by post or by email will not be accepted and will be deemed invalid.

Every entrant warrants that all information submitted on an entry form is true, current and complete. Palmerston North City Council reserves the right to disqualify any entrant who does not comply with these terms and conditions.

Entries, selection, prizes

All reasonable attempts will be made to contact Competition and Giveaway winners using details provided on their entry forms. If we can’t get hold of a winner within 72 hours of the competition closing, another winner will be drawn in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Prizes are not redeemable for cash, transferable to any other person, and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.

If a prize or part of a prize becomes unavailable (for any reason), Palmerston North City Council reserves the right to limit entry, cancel or amend the prizes at its own and sole discretion, including providing the winner with a substitute prize.


All entrants consent to participate and co-operate as required in all promotional activities relating to the Competition or Giveaway.

Entry forms will not be returned. All information provided by the entrants will be collected, used, stored, disclosed and corrected in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. All entrants have the right to access their information and request for any personal information to be corrected.


The following persons are not eligible to win any prize:

  • anyone under the age of 18 at the time of entering the Competition or Giveaway (unless otherwise stated)
  • anyone who works for Palmerston North City Council or any agencies or companies associated with the Competition or Giveaway.

Palmerston North City Council reserves the right to exclude any entrant from participating at its sole discretion. Palmerston North City Council also reserves the right to refuse to award a prize to an entrant who is in breach of these Terms and Conditions, gained an unfair advantage in participating or won by using fraudulent means.

Palmerston North City Council will not be liable for any loss, damage, costs (for instance incurred in accepting or redeeming a prize) or any injury whatsoever suffered by an entrant as a result of or in connection with the Competition or Giveaway, including any inability to enter, complete or continue the competition or giveaway due to equipment or technical malfunction.

Palmerston North City Council reserves the right to amend or change these Terms and Conditions at any time at its sole discretion, including extending, postponing or cancelling the Competition or Giveaway.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand Courts.  

Mobility scooter terms and conditions of use

The Mobility Scooters are the property of Palmerston North City Council and Enable NZ. They are made available to you for use upon the following Terms and Conditions:

1. You must be 18 years or older to use the Mobility Scooter.

2. A contact phone number must be provided to CLM to contact you.

3. It is preferable that you have a mobile telephone on you at all times while using a Mobility Scooter.

4. You confirm that you have no medical problems that may make your use of the Mobility Scooter unsafe for you or anyone else.

5. You agree that you are an appropriate user of the Mobility Scooter because your mobility is limited.

6. Only one person on the Mobility Scooter at any time, no passengers are allowed.

7. You must not operate the Mobility Scooters in a careless, dangerous or reckless manner.

8. You may only use the Mobility Scooter within the permitted areas, defined in the attached map, within the limits as per the attached map, being:

  • around the Lido Aquatic Centre
  • within Victoria Esplanade 
  • along the Manawatū River Park, including He Ara Kotahi.

9. You must not use the Mobility Scooter on any road, except where necessary to continue along when crossing the street.

10. You will ride the scooters on formed hard surface paths, e.g. concrete, asphalt, limestone and gravel paths.

11. PNCC, CLM, and/or Enable New Zealand will not be liable for any damage to your person or your property caused by any defect, fault or malfunction of a Mobility Scooter whether caused by your misuse of the Mobility Scooter or not.

12. If you experience any problems with the Mobility Scooter, you should immediately discontinue use of the Mobility Scooter and contact the Council on 063568199.

13. You agree to indemnify PNCC for any costs, damage or loss incurred by PNCC resulting directly or indirectly from your use and possession of the Mobility Scooter, regardless of whether PNCC insurance covers the incident. This includes:

  • any damage or loss to the Mobility Scooter while in your possession, or
  • any damage to any other person or property caused by or incidental to your use of the Mobility Scooter (with the exception of fair wear and tear).

You agree to meet any costs incurred by PNCC which will be provided in a statement of account specifying the costs and terms of payment.

14. You acknowledge that the Mobility Scooters are not provided by PNCC in trade and are provided free of charge, so that the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the Fair Trading Act 1986 and the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 do not apply to their provision.

15. The Mobility Scooter can be booked for a maximum of 4 hours at a time, on any day that the Lido Aquatic Centre is open, between the hours of:

  • Winter 8am to 4pm,
  • Summer 8am to 7pm

16. There is no charge for using the scooters. Koha/donations will be gratefully accepted.

17. CLM/Council reserve the right to decline to loan of the scooter to individuals, temporarily or permanently, if they consider their loan was or could be a risk to the scooters, the user, or members of the public.